Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011 Stitching Reflections

2012- A New Year.
I thought I'd begin the year with a recap of my favorite 2011 stitches and an critical truthful assessment of my pipe dreams 2011 Stitching Goals.

January 2011 - "More Snow" - Val's Stitching Stuff 

February 2011 - "Winter Walk" - The Knotted Tree

March 2011 - "Twin Hearts" - BrightNeedle

April 2011 - "Alphabet Sampler" - Birds of a Feather

May 2011 - "March Bouquet" Cedar Hills

June 2011 - "Blue Bird Alphabet" - Just Nan

July 2011 - "Cluck Cluck" - The Stitching Shed

August 2011 - "Free Bird" - Plum Street Samplers

September 2011 - "Button, Button" - Country Cottage Needleworks

October 2011 - "Sweet Little Berries" - Little House Needleworks

November 2011 - "Quaker Bee Sampler" - Chessie 'N Me

December 2011 - "Cranberry Deer Pinkeep" - Beehive Needleworks

The concept behind my 2011 Stitch Goals was solid:  Have a dedicated "large" stitching piece to work on each month.  The execution however, turned out to be rather piecemeal, as my attention turned to ever newer and more interesting releases.  I finished 5 monthly stitches and one 'extra': 

“Alphabet Sampler" - BOAF
 “Winter Walk” – Knotted Tree
“Bouquet for March” – Cedar Hill
 "Free Bird" - Plum Street Samplers
 “Quaker Bee Sampler” - Chessie n’ Me
 “Pumpkin Pie” - Cross Eyed Cricket

February's project, “Sweet Winter” by BrightNeedle is almost done, and "New England Reindeer Sampler" by Elizabeth's Garden is under construction.

These five never got out of the starting blocks: "Fair Daffodil" - Blackbird Designs, "Caught in the Garden" - Little by Little, "Bouquet for June" - Cedar Hill, “Birds in the Bower - Goode Huswife, and “October’s Harvest” - Blackbird Designs.
I am still mulling over how I'll approach cross stitching in 2012.  I'm in the process of formulating a plan which will allow me much more latitude, and I'll share the details of it later this week.     


  1. January's header and my stash pile have something in common - 4 times! lol

    I'll be watching to see what your goals are - mine, to buy less and finish some big ones. We'll see how that goes when I start seeing all these new patterns.

  2. Your new header looks great. I think you've accomplished a great deal of stitching in the last year. Happy New Year for 2012.

  3. You stitched some pretty pieces during the year. I love the snowman saying - more snow. :) While I'm not always happy with snow, there is something about a snowman - love your new header. :)

  4. As always, your header is gorgeous! You accomplished a lot in 2011!

    My goal for 2012 is to finish some WIPs and any new starts must come from my stash. Let's hope I can stick to this goal with all of the beautiful new designs which will surely tempt me as the year unfolds!

    Happy New Year to you and may it be a good year!

  5. ooooo you have achieved an awful lot and it only seems like yesterday you started those pieces ... I've been here for every one ... looking forward to seeing what you come up with :) love mouse xxxxx

  6. I love the new header and your 2011 stitching.

  7. I've been looking forward to seeing your January header because I knew there were be lots of great snowmen and you have not disappointed. LOVE them all and see several I need to stitch. Happy 2012 - may there be lots of stitching time in the upcoming year.

  8. Love your snowman collage! I do have a favorite on this retrospective - March Boquet - I love that piece. Can't wait to see what your plans will be.

  9. So so so so SO pretty...all of your 2011 finishes! Can't wait to see your 2012 as they progress :)

  10. Each finish is more wonderful than the next! I really love the variety. And your new header is just wonderful. I hope to someday have enough finished to be able to try this. Happy New Year!

  11. Love your snow people and your 2011 recap. You should be proud...lots of finishes lots of beautiful, informative walks.

    Look forward to hearing your plan, and another year of your blog.

    Happy 2012!


  12. What a lovely lovely header. I always enjoy reading your blog. Your stitching is lovely as are your nature pictures
    Wishing you a Happy New Year

  13. Love the header! You had a nice list of accomplishments for 2011--great job!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.