Thursday, December 29, 2011

Better Late Than Never - Wednesday's Walk on Thursday

Design - Partridge
Chart - "A Prairie Christmas"
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count Lambswool linen
Fibers - DMC - 1 strand over 2 threads
Started - 26 December 2011
Finished - 28 December 2011 

I think this is the prettiest one yet - love the pears!

I am so glad I decided to stroll about on Monday afternoon, as it began to pour Tuesday evening and hasn't yet let up.  We've had over 2" of rain thus far.  The creeks are now churning along, and there are lakes puddles everywhere.
Let's take a pre-rain storm look at the outdoor world.  

I think the young pines look like bursts of fireworks - large geometric spirals of needles.

The deciduous forest is a blue / gray tableau - moss reigns supreme!

Or should I say moss and lichens reign supreme...

One of the few things that is still green and growing is the wild honeysuckle.  I'm beginning to wonder if it isn't the Kudzu of the Pacific NW. 

And the moss to has a star burst pattern similar to fireworks, but on a micro-scale.  

Some of the wild roses still have a few leaves as well.

The Big Creek (pre-storm) - I can only image what it looks like now.  Probably deeper and muddier.

I think part of Santa's beard got caught on this branch. 

Not holly, this is the shiny new growth of a Mahonia (Oregon Grape).

The tree ferns glowed under a gray sky.

Dorothy's Creek - moss covered - gurgled along.

And how could I take a walk, without spying a mushroom on the forest floor?
 This is the last walk of 2011.  I look forward to many more in 2012.


  1. ooooo yep think I like that one the best :) love the walk and I think we have had your rain yesterday and today :( and a wonderful mushroom spotted there as well :) love mouse xxxxx

  2. That partridge is so sweet! I hope the other "days" are as good. I think my favorite is the very first one of the young pines. =)

  3. Beautiful partridge. Loved to follow you on your walk. Even my husband liked the pics
    Wishing you a blessed 2012

  4. Love the pine needles and the mushroom. I look forward to the walks in 2012, too.



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