Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Rainy Day

...And it's back to "Wassailing" I go.  I'm sure enjoying working on this.
The weather has turned stormy - rainy and windy - a perfect inside sitching day!

As the year comes to a close, the birds and critters are busy at our feeders.

This Towhee patiently waited for me to set out sunflowers.

An Anna's Hummingbird used the mullein as a perch.

I caught this Junco has he swooped in to land on the peanut feeder.

The Hairy Woodpecker was also present at the peanut feeder.

Chip-the-Munk popped out to see what I was up to.

"Sunflower seeds?", he asked?

"That would be great good news!"

We did not open our gifts until the 26th. 
When we did, we had Hufflepuff Helpers.  
Padma found a gift tunnel to hide out under.

While Parvati found the 'purrfect' empty box.

Hope you received at least one perfect Christmas gift. 


  1. Oh my, who would think that Junco's wing could be positioned like that?!? I remember when our cat was alive she loved to dash through the used wrapping paper. We would always put a bow on her collar, which would last...oh, at least a couple hours. ;)

  2. Your weather is exactly the same as us today - it is so stormy. Cats do love a box!

  3. Nice WIP. Loved seeing the pictures of the animals. The cats are cute!

  4. oooo we had sun today and a wee bit of wind ... I've got a robin and a jenny wren in my garden but have yet to get them with the camera .... and love the photos of the cats as usual :) wip coming along nicely too :) love mouse xxxx

  5. It's stormy here, too--snow and hail and rain. Typical December weather! I love the bird photos!

  6. Love, love Chip-the-Munk! Perky little fellow. :)
    Where would we be without our helpers? Our helpers always want the same box. :D

  7. I'm always amazed at all the pictures that you manage to take of wild life. Our chipmunks havent been seen since it started getting cold and everytime the deer come through the yard, my camera is on the other side of the house!

  8. Somehow during Christmas your blog and all the wonderful pictures came up in my conversation, so I shared with them. Everyone loved your pictures of both the nativity sets AND the wonderful nature pics! I thank you for sharing with us! Hugs!

  9. Wassailing looks gorgeous.
    Stormy weather is always good for sitting comfy at home with a needle in the hand isn't it?
    As always enjoyed the pictures of your birds and criters.
    Parvarti reminds me a lot at our Lucky who claims every empty box as his

  10. Parvatti looks just like my Furio and he loves boxes too.

    Hugs, Kaye xoxox


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