Saturday, November 12, 2011

Saturday Thoughts

My blog is now 2 1/2 years old, and I decided to use Blog2Print to "publish" my blog.  After investing time and passion, I decided that I'd be happier if I had a "hard copy" of my daily journal.  It was a bit of an effort to find the appropriate settings, and certainly not cheap, but I'm really pleased with the final product.  It is much easier (and quicker) to flip through pages and follow the stitching progress of a particular project, or the changes in Flora on a series of Spring Walks.

We had a lovely Autumn morning Friday, so I was able to get to all my Outdoor Chores:  Flowerpots washed and put away, bulbs planted, flowerbed weeded, Begonias rooted.  As you can see I had two Supervisors, but little very little help.

As it was a pleasant evening as well, the Quail were active. 

I think our three covies have now merged into one large group.  Any evening there are somewhere between 16-25 Quail.  There's some fighting amongst the many males, but nothing major, and no one runs off from the group. 

The Mourning Doves are very active in the evening too.  They don't have much to say, but they drink, bath, and eat sunflower seeds.

Nature has a way of reminding me that we have Two Divisions.  Not the AFC and NFC, but Predators and Prey!

The good weather continues so my sister and I are off to the last Outdoor Farmers' Market of the season - pictures to follow. 


  1. What a good idea to print your blog. Yours is such a nice journal not only of stitching but of the beauty and seasonal changes in the outdoor world.


  2. I've thought about it but not sure can justify the cost yet .. with me not working ... love the two little not helpers there hope you enjoyed the farmers market :) love mouse xxxx

  3. What lovely pictures of the birds--the quail are my favorites!

  4. Very neat!!!! I've always thought about doing that too.......just never get around to really investigating it.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.