Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Final Outdoor Famers' Market of the Year

I'd have to color today bittersweet, as today was the final Outdoor Farmers' Market of the 2011 growing season. 

It was a cooler, quieter day - fewer vendors - but lots of customers.

And everywhere I looked the produce seemed like a Photo shoot for Thanksgiving dinner. 

There were Paw-paws...

...and mushrooms.  Lots of mushrooms of all kinds...

...including these Golden Chanterelles.

Several varieties of grapes...

...and even sweet Onions - yum!

This is the first time I remember seeing fresh Ginger.
The plants looks like young shoots of bamboo.

And for the exotic there were Quince...

...and Figs.

As it is fall, there were several varieties of Apples.
My sister bought a regional heirloom apple, Chehalis, and thought it bright and sweet.

So good-bye Farmers' Market - we'll be back again next year.


  1. Bittersweet is the perfect word for this...and so many other things left behind for another time and season.

    Fun pix, as always.

  2. The variety of fruits and vegetables is amazing. I had never heard of paw paws before and found them interesting to read about ~ they sound like they would be delicious too. :)

  3. Awwww. Bye-bye Farmers Market. *sniff*
    I'll miss the pictures.

  4. Lovely autumn produce, it's a pity winter is just around the corner.

  5. sad...our farmer's markets are year round here...I guess it's because of the warmer climate...there's always something growing around here!

  6. Hey....I'll try commentinng one more time....that blogger!!!

    Love the shots of the Farmers Market.....Ours closed down also and I'll miss it!! Love the look of those mushrooms and grapes!

    Take care, Faye

  7. I didn't know you had paw-paws out there!

    I love fresh figs.

    I loved seeing all the produce at the Market--especially the many colors of beets.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.