Saturday, November 5, 2011

High on Pumpkin Hill

I'm plugging along on "Pumpkin Hill"...

Most mornings this week, we've had "Frost on Pumpkin Hill."  

This Douglas Fir branch was covered in frost and fine strands - the work of spiders?

The low grasses were rimed with frost. 

The poor little Ginkgo was so very frosty.  Usually its leaves turn a wonderful butter yellow before they fall.  After this hard frost, the leaves all fell off within 24 hours. 

While I was filling a birdbath, the group of California Quail came out of the brush into a clearing.

They came closer...

...and closer...

...and closer still!

They appeared unbothered by my presence, walking and talking contentedly as they began their day.  Notice how "puffed" they are in deference to the chilly morning.


  1. Good morning, I love seeing your quail photos, a favorite bird. Here in New England, I have none roaming in my yard.....but I do have a quail weathervane on the garage...that will have to do. He never leaves but can make you dizzy watching him in one of our snow storms. mary

  2. We too had frost this morning but not as much as you seem to have. I love frosty mornings when the sun shines - my favourite days.

  3. It's been pretty frosty here in the Cleveland area many of the past few mornings, too. Makes you contemplate the change of season.

    As always, love the quail pix.


  4. I'll take your frost over my snow and sleet! The quail look nice and toasty warm in their feather coats.

  5. We had our first frost of the season last night. Doesn't it seem as if it was just August?! Love the quail photos! Nice progress on your Pumpkin Hill, too.


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