Sunday, November 6, 2011

Falling Back - A Take on November

I can't decide if we are having better than average Fall color this year, or not.
I do know this small Acer looks stunning - much better than it has the past couple of years.

I asked the Mourning Doves what they thought, but they expressed no opinion.

On a chilly morning, the fountain is slushy with frost and ice.

On a chilly morning, the California Quail are 'puffed' to keep warm. 

But back to Fall color - take a look at this Witch Hazel!  Again, I don't remember vibrant color like this last year.  Evidence seems to suggest that we are having Better Than Average Fall Color this year.  What's up where you live (in the northern hemisphere)?


  1. Actually here in South-western Ontario, Canada, the fall colour hasn't been as good as other years. A lot of our trees lost their leaves (or the leaves just turned brown but held on) earlier than usual this year from lack of rain in the summer months :^(

  2. Here in Ohio - the leaves have mostly fallen. My Ginkgo is a vibrate gold and is shedding as I write. The colors were pretty good until the rains knocked them down.

  3. Not a lot of really good color this year, although some species have really been quite beautiful over the past week or so, which seems late to me. (Cleveland area) The October Glory Maples on my street have been striking over the past five days. The glory of October stretching into November = a good thing to me!

    Lots of things look really nice in the wonderful sunshine we are having this morning. These sights will be hidden in darkness an hour earlier than usual tonight. That's an adjustment!


  4. Over here in Scotland I would say our autumn colours are particularly vibrant this year. Our seasons have been all over the place with our warmest weather coming in Spring and Autumn.


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