Saturday, October 1, 2011

Yet More Birds

Eye Candy! 
I bought a Threadminder and Friendship Trifold from "In the Company of Friends".

And aren't the mico-scissors cute?  They are supposed to be okay on airplanes.

This week I've had lots of different birds at the feeders...and around...

This dear little female Downy Woodpecker...

This little guy/gal is a Golden Crowned Sparrow. 

Had a female Hairy Woodpecker working on a telephone pole...  

I don't think I've ever posted a photo of an American robins.  There were lots out and about after the rain Tuesday morning.

As were the Flickers - I think they enjoyed the easier digging in the moist soil.

I'm still thrilled with my Cedar Waxwing sighting! 

This is my "Large" Quail family - the 'baby' guy chicks now have the distinctive white-rimmed black faces and are easy to spot.  


Not much gold left on the Goldfinches...

They are still the main event at the bird feeders.

This Redtailed Hawk was on the lookout for breakfast too!


  1. Your October header is awesome! Photo wise, I think the bunny that "sneaked" into the robin photo is great; I think they have to be among the most beautiful animals God created.

  2. Love your October header! Loved all the wonderful pics of birds too!

  3. Me, your October header. As you might remember, your headers have become sort of an obsession with me!

    As always, love the birds, too.


  4. Oh what a feast for the eyes! I LOVE your header this month and you pics of the birds are wonderful -

  5. Your new header is very seasonal and fun. The bird you call a "flicker" has lovely feather markings.

  6. oooo love the new header ... and great shots of the birds too :) and love your sunflower start from post before (just catching up love mouse xxxx

  7. Glorious birds (and sneaky bunny)! Love your Halloween header!

  8. I love the quail with their little top knots!

  9. Beautiful birds, as always, Beth--I adore that photo with the bunny and the robin!!

  10. Love the post, Beth. I can vouch for the scissors. Yes, you can take them on an airplane. I've even taken my four inch fiskars on a trip recently and the TSA didn't even bat an eye at them.

  11. I love this post, amazing pictures. hugs


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.