Sunday, October 2, 2011

Harvest Fair

For some reason, my sister and I had not yet made it to our little local Farmers' market this year - the Spencer Creek Community Growers' Market.

  That changed yesterday when Lex read about the Harvest Fair to be held there. 

Any event with chocolate is not to be missed!

There were several food vendors...

...and a Marimba Band...

...Autumnal flowers...

...Autumnal produce...

And several artisans including this glass-maker!

 This spinner had lovely packets of wool for sale.

A nice way to celebrate the change of seasons!


  1. How fun! I miss fairs like that--wish they did stuff like that here.

  2. Thank you for the mosey around the market, I agree with Siobhan, haven't found anything quite the same back in the UK.

  3. Fun!
    Some vendors are still getting tomatoes? That's awesome. All the plants around here have already died off. I'm missing my weekly tubs of cherry tomatoes from the farmers market like you wouldn't believe. :(


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