Thursday, October 20, 2011

July in October

As July rolled around this year, I realized that I'd not stitched much of anything 'patriotic'.  Vowing to be better prepared next year, I purchased the charts and kits photographed above.  It's a nice selection from Heart in Hand, Lizzie Kate, SamSarah, and Plum Pudding.  Ready, Set, 'Red, White, & Blue'!

Monday began with a wisp of fog that followed the contour of the hillside...

The sun continues to arch to the South.  This time of year the trees down in the hollow by Dorothy's Creek received morning sun before we do on top of the hill.

I've given up on the idea of garden serfs staff helpers, and buckled down to do the work myself.  As I mentioned earlier, my first project is to get the back patio tidied up and winterized.  I probably have one or two more two-hour sessions and I'll be finished up there.  Then it's on to tackle the front porch and the 186 pots thereon. (See - I do need vassals minions assistants).  This time of year I'd prefer to garden in a Martha Stewart Fashion - acting as Supervisor and Director of Operations!

The deer will be sorry to see the plants leave the back patio.
They've begun to munch on my zinnias and moss roses.

Bunny thus far has nibbling.  Good Bunny!


  1. Oh, R,W & Bs for your patriotic header next year!

    Love your animal pix and stories, as always.

    186 pots? Yikes!


  2. I'm a huge fan of patriotic designs. You've got some good ones there! Can't wait to see which you choose to stitch.

  3. My mother was visiting for a week so I was hit and miss with blog commenting--hard to concentrate while she was chatting! I loved catching up on your posts. Great choices for patriotic stitching! I'm hoping to do better with patriotic stitching next year, too.

  4. Great patriotic stash! Imagine how much we could accomplish if we had a staff just like Martha!!

  5. Love your new patriotic patterns! Next year you will be set. Minions - ha we all need minions! lol Maybe you could get the deer and bunnies to be your minions!

  6. I've said that about getting some halloween things stitched for next year and yup we all need minions every now and then would offer to help but am ill with a cold and don't want to pass it on ;) love mouse xxxxx

  7. Oooo, great stashing!! Can't wait to see you working them up. :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.