Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fall Color

Solomon loves to open cupboards and drawers.
If there are books and magazines, he then paws them onto the floor.

He usually uses his front paws, but I thought his tail looked to be trying something...

I worked outside for three hours yesterday morning.  I have the Back Patio put to bed, and have now moved on to the Front Porch (and the infamous 186 pots)!  I made a start there as well.  The Ferns are tidied up.  Today I hope to tackle the Hostas as they are easy.  I'll just shove them under my picnic benches where they'll hybrinate the Winter away.  We now have frost in the forecast for Tuesday evening, so I'm glad I've made as much progress as I have. 

I am a volunteer reader at a local elementary school.  This tree in in the front parking lot - stunning.

I also like this photo taken about 1 mile from my house - Western Oregon almost resembles New England with all the Fall color on display.

This shrub is also about a mile from my house.  I've been watching for a couple of weeks.  It's now past its prime - it was the most glorious orange.  No idea what it might be.  

More Fall color...

I can't get enough of it!


  1. Hostas are hugely popular here in central Illinois, so I just have to ask - if yours are in pots, just how big are those pots? And how in the world are you able to move them?

  2. Beautiful fall colours, great photos again.

  3. Cats truly are curious creatures. Love the tree outside the school.

  4. We have a curious cat too, into everything! Love the foliage pics!

  5. heheh he looks like he is hanging in there .. that tree is stunning and glad you got your pots done :) love mouse xxx

  6. Solomon looks like my Furio. Our cats are curious and into everything, too. At the moment they are chasing a blowfly around the house (that DYS just let in).

    Love your Autumn pics - absolutely stunning.

    Hugs, Kaye xoxox

  7. I was amazed at the size of the big leaf maple leaves!


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