Saturday, September 10, 2011

September on the Front Porch, Back Patio, Kitchen Garden

Gardening is cyclical - not only the seasons - but also the plants, the ephemera even.
Begonias have been in fashion, gone out of fashion, and are now back in fashion.  As is this crackled pot.  My mom bought this pale white crackle-glazed pot in the 1960's...

I bought this pale white crackle-glazed pot from Crate and Barrel in June 2011!  Amusing. 

Right now I am in love with my two Rudbeckia pinnata plants.  They were quite small when they arrived in the mail in late June.  Now they are robust and full of small, delicate long lasting blooms. 

I bought this plant and potted it up on July 11, 2011.

Look at it now!  This unnamed beauty is delightful too.  I think it must be an tender houseplant of some sort. 

I bought it a Gindhart's Nursery - it had no tag.

In September the coleus shine one.  They make me wish I had a larger greenhouse.  I'd take cutting to make new starts for 2012's gardening year.  

In the kitchen garden the morning glories are hap-hap-happy!
This is Heavenly Blue.

This is a group of three different varieties all rambling and intertwined.  They are thriving during our hot weather.  I'm not so much.  Thank goodness the house is cool, as are the mornings and evenings. 


  1. Pretty flowers...we have a ton of morning glories, but not the white ones...I like those! Begonias are sure changing aren't they! I have some that the blooms look just like little roses!

  2. I wish I knew the name of the plant that has the tiny blue flowers - I have one - I think its a Violet of some sort.

    I have it outside in the summers - I live in Germany- and bring it in before it gets too cold outside. It really likes water. Its blooming nicely right now - but took a long time to get going this year. I trimmed it before I put it outside because it had gotten leggy over the winter. I think I will trim it before I bring it in this time, and maybe it will bloom earlier next year.

    Wonderful pictures of your plants.


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