Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday Reflections

"Sweet Berries" is coming right along.  All the words are now stitched.  The downside is I'm running out of the major thread colors.  That is sometimes the downside of a kit - insufficient floss.  I am extremely conservative with my floss use too, so if there isn't enough for me, then the kit is not supplied correctly.  Fortunately I had "Spinach" in my stash, but a couple of the other colors - not.  Ah, but stitching is always an adventure! 

We did get a few hard showers on Sunday.  

It did not appear to bother the Goldfinches...

...or the Hairy Woodpecker...

...or the Scrub Jay...

...or the Quail.
I guess it didn't bother me either.  It was kinda' nice to be inside and cocoon!


  1. Nothing like a rainy day to get some stitching done. Love the pics of the birds and your berries project is moving right along!

  2. Hope you can get the rest of your floss easily! I really like the picture of the scrub jay. I don't think I have seen this bird before - love his color!

  3. Love your start on "Sweet Berries". I know how frustrating it can be to run out of floss with a kit. I once had a beautiful sampler three quarters finished and ran out of the main color! What a scramble to find another color that blended enough so that it wasn't too noticeable.

    How nice that the Sunday showers brought so many sweet little feathered friends to visit!

  4. I love your bird pics! I had a hummingbird outside my window yesterday, but too fast for me to get a camera!

    Thanks for visiging me at A Season for All Things. I'm your newest follower and look forward to reading more of your posts. ~ Ellet


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