Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Back and Forth

"Quaker Bee Sampler"
Border 98% done - outline of bee skep done!

My Cross Stitch Supervisor and Quality Control Expert was hard at work yesterday.  Parvati appropriated all my Crescent Color flosses.  A hint?  I think she's tired of a "Sweet Berries" post followed by a "Quaker Bee Sampler" post...followed by...You get the picture.  I'm tired too, and determined today to kit up something "fallish" and "smallish" to work on.  So stay tuned.    

It's Tuesday - let's have us a Garden Party!

I'm borrowing my sister's garden for today's tour.
I love, love, love her two rows of Persian Carpet Zinnias.

Here she is choosing 'perfect' blooms for the Roseburg Dahlia Show last weekend. 

I made a 'contact sheet' of some of the many lovely varieties she grows.

And I made a dahlia collage too.  It's a great way to have a virtual tour of the 199 plants she grew this year.  After first frost she'll have to dig up all 199 tubers to over-winter them.  Yikes!


  1. Gorgeous dahlias!!! So many different varieties.

  2. Thanks for sharing the beautiful dahlia photos. The collage is awesome!

  3. I love your collages, your sister really is a dedicated gardener. So like a cat to enjoy being in the middle of things.

  4. Oh my gosh, what beautiful flowers! Your sister is so talented. Nice stitching progress, too!

  5. So many different varieties of dahlias--I love them all!

  6. I also like Parvati the cat--looks like a good helper. I have three similar Helpers whenever I'm working on the computer or in the kitchen. And thank you for stopping by my blog!

  7. Those dahlias are simply beautiful! I love your collage.

  8. I'm amazed at the different varieties of dahlias your sister grows. I had seen a few different varieties, but most of the pictures you posted were new to me. It makes me want to plant some!

  9. Amazing.

    We have some very competitive dahlia growers in the village and there is serious competition at the horticultural show.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.