Sunday, August 14, 2011

Nature Watch

Let's see...who has been around here lately?

After an absence, the Downy Woodpeckers are back at the suet feeder.

I spied this Mama Crowned Sparrow and her baby..

The Hummingbirds remain omnipresent~

...and delightful to observe.

See...we're just observing...nothing more!


  1. The mum and baby are lovely, I've never seen this type of sparrow before. Love your little "watcher".

  2. Boy what I wouldn't give to come visit and see all your wildlife. What fun that would be. One of these days I am going to get my sister and take a road trip and visit a bunch of my cross stitch friends. Then blog all about it. Today I enjoyed hand feeding my hummers. We get just ruby throated here in Indiana. God bless and great pics. Please keep them coming.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.