Monday, August 15, 2011

Birds and Bucks...and Still More Birds

I had a pretty productive weekend and "Free Bird" shows the results: Red Peacock finished, 2nd Navy Peacock good start, several more letters completed, and three small motifs also completed.

Sunday morning as I was watering the plants on the Back Patio, I was joined by this fellow!
Usually Bucks are shy and skittish...

But not this handsome boy.

He had a "hard to get at" itch to scratch...

...and dandelions to munch for breakfast.

Another dandelion afficianado!

I mentioned yesterday that the Downy Woodpeckers were back, and on Sunday I was pleased to have a female Hairy Woodpecker return to Suetland.  

And I leave you with this shot of a Blackhead Grosbeak baby.
Babies of whatever sort are pretty darned cute!  

The International Space Station is flying over the U.S. right now.  Last night we went outside to view its fast orbit over our part of the sky.  IF you are interested, here's a link. On the left of the NASA page is "Sighting Oportunities".


  1. Nice progress on your Free Bird! It looks great.

    I love your wildlife photos. The buck is quite handsome but I just love those birds!

  2. Love your stitching.

    You have some wonderful wild life there.

  3. Great stitching progress! That buck is quite handsome!

  4. You have the coolest garden visitors! I do so love when you share them with us.

    Congrats on you birday sititching progress.


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