Thursday, August 4, 2011

Changes Abound...

Stitching Lizzie Kate's "Strawberry Sampler" is a pleasure!  This has become my "take-along" project - perfect size to put in a tote bag to take in the car or outside.  A good stitch for a busy life. 

The Barn Swallow couple has been extremely busy too.  Their first babies fledged on the 4th of July.  On Monday we noticed that their 2nd clutch had hatched, and the parents were hard at work feeding babies once again.  At this point the babies must still be very small and blind - no sounds of peeping yet.

The California Quail coveys are all growing.  If you look closely you can see the small "top-knots" on these youngsters.  We have a group of 15 babies, a group of 9 babies, and a group of 3 babies...and there may be others out there.  The worrisome thing is that at this stage the two Outdoor Cats are extremely interested in our Quail families.  Vigilance Everyone!   

We also abound in bunnies!  I counted nine one evening.  In past years, Tom-Cat has morphed into Elmer Fudd ("Kill the 'Wabbit!") leaving headless carcasses in his wake.  This year we've only had one victim early in the Spring.  I'm hopping hoping for the best!

I've never seen a Hummingbird's nest.  Wouldn't that be something special?


  1. Your strawberry is growing looks fab, and lovely pics,
    Lucky you having a Hummingbird in your garden, we do get a hummingbird moth sometimes visit us.

  2. Miss Strawberry is coming along nicely. Loved all the pics.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  3. Oh, I couldn't cope with the headless rabbits! I love cats but they can be cruel sometimes - I know our little "lady" would go on a killing spree given half a chance and she's sixteen now.

  4. The strawberry looks great! Great pics--I really loved the pic of the barn swallow.

  5. Beautiful stitching and beautiful photos. Love the bunny one. :)

  6. Strawberry is so cute! Loved the pictures, especially the barn swallow!

  7. Hee! I love that strawberry. (And the bouncing bunny.)


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