Friday, August 5, 2011

August Colors ... Autumn Colors

I fell victim to these WDW 30 count Autumnal pieces of linen.
From left to right: Chestnut, Cocoa, Havana, and Straw.
Straw has more yellow than photographed...
I even have potential stitches for each: La-D-Da's "Old Crow", Little House's "Liberty 1776", Sam Sarah's "Sadie Stuart - Pledge", and Sam Sarah's "Farmer's Market" Series.  Originally, I was just going to stitch a couple of the pieces of fruit, but now I've been a picture of the entire series stitched together and it is so cool... what to do?

Last evening was warm and still, and full of yellow diffused light..    

I love how it played with the Coleus...

The burgundies and umbers glowed...

The plants' colors were intense.

Even the greens and whites...

Though some remained unimpressed... 


  1. Oh, we do have a disdainful expression!!

  2. What a beautiful cat!!

    Nice linen haul and I love the plans you have for them. I especially love LHN's Liberty. I missed the boat with patriotic stitching this year so I'm trying to get into autumnal stuff before Christmas. ;) Enjoy deflowering that linen!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. What lovely linen beautiful colours, Also very beautiful plants and garden. And looks like somebody is just enjoying the moment.Bless

  4. Oooh, love the cat!
    Gorgeous linens, Beth. And yes, by all means, stitch them all!

  5. found you via the autumn colors!!! Also love your stitched display at the top of our blog....very nice....
    beautiful plants also!!!!

  6. What a pretty kitty, I love coleus. They are easy for me to grow. Funny, this year I didn't get one. Maybe by the weekend I can pick up...


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.