Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday Walk - Seeds of Change

A few days ago, Deb from Carolina commented on a Jean Farish rabbit chart.
I've tried to contact her and her email bounced (twice).  Deb - you can email me using my Profile Information and I will then be able to respond.

Bunny stitching continues apace!  Surely I can finish him up this week.  
I did not see any bunnies on my walk. 
This Wednesday Walk is all about Seeds!

The thistle blossoms are beginning to dry out and set seed. 

In a couple of weeks, the berries of the Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifolium) should be a lovely purple.

This is some kind of Cherry - probably a cultivated variety - now growing wild.  In Oregon most "Wild Cherries" are cultivated varieties - growing due to seed distribution by birds.  These trees are down near the road, but I'm finding the pits (and the stains) on our walkways around the house - frequently near the birdbaths.   

The Vine MAple (Acer circinatum) has set its whirligig seeds as have the Big Leaf Maples.  

This picture is a bit blurry - nonetheless, I was pleased to see some acorns on our Oregon White Oaks (Quercus garryana).  Last year we had almost no acorns at all in the fall - I'm hoping for a bumper crop this year!

I think this is the fruit/seed of the Pacific Ninebark (Physocarpus capitatus).  I'm finding it a challenge sometimes to correctly identify in Summer, a plant or shrub that I know in Spring.  I've always said if I'd been an Explorer, I'd rename a river each time I forded it, and a mountain would have a different name as approached from each direction.

The Oregon Ash trees (Fraxinus latifolia) have lovely drooping falls of seeds.  In the Autumn, my Shetland-Welsh pony used to love to munch on Ash leaves and seeds.

The first of the Trailing Blackberries (Rubus ursinus) have ripened.

These long thin black seed pods belong to Hairy Vetch plants - vetch is a member of the pea family and the seed pods resemble pea pods. 

I was surprised to find a couple of ripe Wild Strawberries (Fragaria chiloensis).  Usually the birds eat them before I ever see them on the vine. 

Most of the Cow's Parsnip (Heracleum maximum) are dry and brittle with seeds.

All of the "wild" Filberts or Hazelnuts (Filbert Betulaceae) are just like the Cherries - cultivated varieties now growing wild due to the efforts of birds.  We have Filberts growing everywhere! 

I hope you've enjoyed this week's walk!


  1. Your garden nature posts are always so interesting. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos.

  2. I think your knowledge of nature is excellent and bunny is looking very cute.

  3. gosh you must walk round with a book in your hands sometimes just to identify all this lot your knowledge is amazing :) lovely shots and well done on the wip :) love mouse xxxx

  4. Your bunny looks great! I agree with Mouse--your knowledge on all the plants is just amazing. I love the pics of the berries!

  5. Beautiful blog! I would appreciate it if you could give me the name and designer of the first chart on the second row of your header photo. Thank you so much.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.