Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday on the Front Porch

Wow!  Thanks guys!  I got so many nice comments regarding my "Ooops" with "Free Bird".  As you can see from the photo above I've persevered on with my alternating Navy/Red alphabet, and I've stitched a few small motifs as well.  I still intend to frog out the peacock if only because chart calls for 2 Navy, 2 Red, and 2 White birds.  If I don't make the change, I'll loose the inherent symmetry of the design.  

It's Tuesday - Garden Party Time over at An Oregon Cottage! 
Let's take a tour of my Front Porch.

I have no complaints with my plants - they all are in good health.

This little display of sedums is even heeding the box's command, "Bloom!" 

Most of the Fuchsias are blooming too.

As for the Hostas, I don't really care if they ever bloom or not...

I love the varied leaf shapes, patterns, and colors.

My Heliotrope is blooming - it smells like Baby Powder.

And isn't this display of four Coleus great?
I'm off to water the Front Porch and Back Patio...then...maybe I'll get a book and with the company of cats enjoy the rest of the morning.


  1. I have a pot of heliotrope on my deck and it smells sooo good.

    Your coleus is so pretty. I try every year and every year I fail. It must be a mental block. I tried some in the ground this year and they're still just sitting there.

    Some of my fuchsia's are blooming their hearts out and some are just now getting buds.

    All of your hostas are pretty too.

    Stopping in from the Garden Party.

  2. Lovely stitching! All of your plants look so pretty and healthy, must take up so much time to water them!

  3. Love your front porch florals. The colors are so pretty. And I still say leave the peacock alone. :) Would switching the colors on a different one might bring it back in harmony? :) That would make it so much easier and a lot less frogging. :)

  4. Lovely progress on Free Bird! Love the pics of the flowers. I always think of my friend's comment when I see hostas... she said that her mother, who LOVED hostas & had quite a collection, kept buying "those p*nis plants". ROFLOL

  5. Great collection of container plants here.

  6. Your front porch plants look great. Hope you enjoy your book. Hopped over from the Tuesday Garden Party.

  7. What great pics of the plants. Your Free Bird is looking lovely!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.