Friday, July 29, 2011

Next Up on the Rotation

With the end in sight for "Soft as a Bunny", I decided to kit up a darling Lizzie Kate stitch - Flora McSample's "Strawberry Sampler".  It's nice once in a while to already have the required linen and floss in hand - the old instant gratification thing! 

I'm also mulling over what my August blog header should be...a Celebration of Summer in some fashion I think.

And aren't these Osteospermum bright and cheery?  They are appropriately named "Pumpkin Pie"!  They get a fair amount of sunshine which they love - lots and lots of buds yet so I'll have colors for several weeks to come.
The evening light was very kind to this Verbena bonariensis / Agastache combination.  Both plants over-wintered most successfully. 

I even managed to catch a Hummingbird hard at work.

I guess he likes the combination too.

I call these my two Monster Fuchsias  - the one on the right is Gardenmeister - the one on the left is a Gardenmeister hybrid.  

This Salvia has wonderful blue/gray feathery foliage - a great contrast to the bright orange/pink blooms.

I'll subject you to leave you today with a couple more Verbena / Agastache photos...

Something about this particular color / texture combination delights my soul!
Happy Friday All!


  1. I do like your K\L one you are about to start.

    Also love all your flowers.

  2. That's a beautiful shade of orange - lovely flowers as usual.

  3. Love your new start! I have those same flowers on my deck! They just keep on blooming!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.