Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Kitchen Garden

Design - "Wee Vegetables"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Lambswool linen
Fibers - GAST
Started - 24 August 1998
Completed - 2 September 1998

I stitched this piece, and gave it to my sister as a gift.  It's still a great gift as she remains an avid vegetable and dahlia gardener. She blogs about her gardens at 4 Hills of Squash. Her kitchen garden is on the west side of our house. It is about 12' by x 20', and protected from the deer with PVC pipe and netting. 

This year she was gifted with this garden art Rooster.  As he does not crow, he is most welcome!

Perhaps you remember Mikaila from my Monday post.  This nine-year-old is not only an awesome cross-stitcher, she gardens like no-body's business.  On Sunday morning she helped my sister water the kitchen garden.
The back row has tomatoes and two trellises with Morning Glories. There are also a couple of sweet potatoes and peppers growing in black raised sacks (to raise the ground temperature for these heat lovers). 

In front of the tomatoes are the white and red onions.

When Mikaila returned Wednesday evening, she wanted once again to help.  This time she had the entire layout of the garden memorized - plant names, locations, and watering requirements - Wow! 

 In the front is a monstrous squash - Marina di Chioggia - I think it is going to take over the entire plot!

Everything is healthy and happy...

After working in the Kitchen Garden, they were off to Dahlialand (the Dahlia garden) - could they be happier? 


  1. What a wonderful veg garden well done its beautiful.

  2. That is a very pretty vegetable garden ...your sister is lucky to have such a wonderful helper! Love the project too!!

  3. Great job on your stitching! Love the veggie garden pics. I might try my hand at some veggie gardening next year. My SIL has inspired me with the success of hers. Your garden helper is adorable!

  4. Such a great veggie garden! Something/one at all my cauliflower, cucumber, broccoli and pea plants so I'm down to just tomatoes, chilis and herbs. (I'm rocking the salsa. lol)

  5. Nice stitching! Your sisters garden is so healthy looking! Love the rooster garden art! Your sister is lucky to have such a good helper!

  6. Nice stitching.
    Your sister has a great vegetable garden and your niece is gorgeous.


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