Thursday, July 7, 2011

Birds, Birds, and Yet More Birds

Design - "Cluck Cluck"
Designer - The Stitching Shed
Fabric - 28 count white linen
Fibers - Anchor
Started - 3 May 2011
Completed - 6 July 2011

Well, here it is in all its glory!  I'm not sure why it took me two months to finish this as I truly enjoyed stitching it.  The hodgepodge border was good fun and the bright colors used a treat.  Now this bird is done and ready for flight!

Speaking of flight....  

On Tuesday morning the three Barn Swallow babies flew from their nest at the back of the house, to the gutter in the front of the house.  I got to enjoy their antics whilst I was watering the Front Porch Plants.  They are still very much fat and "downy"...and fearsome beggars too. 

Here you can see a parent returning to feed the Hungry Hoard!

On Tuesday morning, I also was treated to a Morning Parade from one of our three California Quail families.

As small as these babies appear, they can already fly.  I startled the family, Dad Quail sounded the alarm, and away they all flew up into the small fir trees until he gave the "All Clear."

The Quail are such good parents...

Both Mom and Dad gently herd the babies...

What a treat!

This Spring saw a major Grosbeak Deficit - we only ever had four pairs of birds.  Since then three of the pairs have moved on, but one remained behind.  We have hopes of seeing a baby Grosbeak in the next couple of weeks.

Tuesday morning my Sapsucker was out and about...

With all this bird action, I became aware of An Unauthorized Bird Observer!


  1. That sure looks like a fun design to stitch! Congratulations on your finish.

    Wonderful bird shots, love the unauthorized observer!

  2. Cluck, Cluck looks great!
    Love the bird shots! I love watching the bird antics in my yard!

  3. Love the cross stitch - that is a great chicken! Any your bird pics are wonderful - thanks for sharing!

  4. Congrats on your cute finish.

  5. Congratulations on your cute, cute finish!

  6. What a lot of lovely birdies; congrats on stitching up your own that won't fly away!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.