Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Weekend Begins

I spent last evening outside on the front porch.  We (finally) had a nice evening - comfortable temperature, no wind.  I bounced back and forth between watching the birds and stitching.

A bit more on "Bluebird Alphabet". Maybe I'll get it finished this weekend.
I then strolled around the house to see what was up...

The Scotch Moss caught my eye...

And I'm so pleased - I think my "Red, White and Blue" plantings are going to be fabulous in time for the 4th of July this year.

The begonias are happy with the cool weather...

And this swatch of daisies seemed to say, "It's a care-free day!"

Today is starting out gray and cloudy - I've a neighborhood picnic to attend at 2:00pm so we will hope for some improvement in the weather by then.  I hope you are able to enjoy your weekend. 


  1. Lovely patch of daisies, so pretty. I hope your weather improves for the picnic. It's our local "gala day" and it's completely miserable - I got soaked through this morning.

  2. very pretty sampler and beautiful flowers! Our weather in the UK is so miserable at the moment.

  3. Sampler is coming along nicely! Love your Red, White & Blue planting! Enjoy your weekend, hope the weather is good for the get together!

  4. The bluebird alphabet is coming is going to be so cute...and of course I love all the garden shots...I never thought about a patriot front porch is red, white and blue right now...thanks for some inspiration!!

  5. coming along nicely all of it isn't it :) love the flowers and your stitching is looking good too :) love mouse xxxx

  6. So pretty! I love those begonias.


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