Sunday, June 19, 2011

Try, Try Again

The picnic was cancelled.  It drizzled most of the day yesterday.  The rain gauge had 0.25" when I looked in the evening.  I responded to the gray and gloomy day by hibernating for most of it - reading in bed and/or napping.  From the comments I read, it sounded as though many of you shared similar dreary weather. 

Well today is a new day! The picnic has been rescheduled for this afternoon.  So let's try it again!
On the stitching front I've moved to the final section of the border on "Cluck Cluck"!

I find that living with cats is often annoying amusing...
My mother had no idea Solly was perched above her on the bookcase, and when he jumped crashed down to the floor, he scared her to death startled her!

Solly was just following his father's example.
Tom-Cat likes to jump up in fountain / birdbath to get a drink on warm Spring evenings. 

Finally, someone who is where they should be - doing what they should be doing!  The Hairy Woodpeckers have found the peanut feeder!


  1. I know what you mean about dreary days! They are perfect for getting some serious stitching done!

    Love the pics of the kitties...I have two and never tire of their escapades!

  2. Your mother is lovely! And she's stitching, too!

  3. I hope you have more luck with the weather today. Cats know how to do that, don't they.

  4. Hope your picnic goes well today! We had dark clouds today and some much needed rain early afternoon, now bright sunshine. Cluck, Cluck is looking great! Love your cats! Cats do have a way of getting into places they are not suppose to!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.