Monday, June 27, 2011


Design - "Bluebird Alphabet"
Designer - Just Nan
Fabric - 32 count White Linen
Fibers - DMC & GAST
Started - 29 May 2011
Completed - 26 June 2011

After all my stopping and starting, complaining and fussing, Sunday I regained my stitching mojo in the public library of all places.  I went to return some books and donate a few magazines.  While there I found a comfortable chair, good light, and brought out "Bluebird Alphabet".  The library was quiet, and more importantly I could not walk away to let in a cat, water some plants, run a load of wash, let out a cat, vacuum, mess aimlessly on the Internet, feed a cat.  You get the idea. I just happily stitched away - nice! 

While downtown, I strolled around and admired the many hanging baskets.

At home I admired this BIG guy!
Not a very good picture...but wanted to share my Sunday morning companion!
This large Buck - all in velvet - strolled by the front porch as I was sitting observing nature with the cats.


  1. What a lovely finish, Beth! And I like the idea of stitching in the library. It wouldn't work for me because I work there, though :)

    That is one big buck--are his antlers fuzzy? You always have the best nature photographs--I love them!

  2. Wow, that's a large visitor to have in your "garden". I'm sure the cats had something to say.

  3. Beautiful finish! The colors are so pretty in this piece!

  4. I just love your wildlife pictures.I especially like the buck. Jim and I love to watch the deer. They are our favorite animal.

  5. Love the sampler - such a great design and pretty colors. I am wiping drool off my laptop after viewing those gorgeous hanging baskets - I love pretty petunias! Take care -

  6. That's such a beautiful finish. Congrats. Love your companion. He's gorgeous.

  7. Beth, Just found your blog and its lovely!! Love the hanging baskets. One question, on your June Header, there is a piece stitched middle row, left side, starts with Honeybee's Mornin,what is the name of that piece? I've never seen it before. Thanks and take care,

  8. Wonderful finish:0) Your hanging baskets are beautiful and your friend...awesome! have a great day!!

  9. Lovely finish, and wonderful photos. Thanks for sharing!

  10. woo hoo happy dance and mojo back :) and lovely companion you had there visiting :) love mouse xxxx

  11. YAY! Congrats on your finish! Glad that you found some ME time at the library! Hey, take it wherever you can!

    I love the pic of the buck...he is so majestic!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.