Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Summer's Evening

My stitching mojo has gone away...and I'm not in a hurry to find it again.
These first warm, sunny days of Summer have been lazy ones!
I sit in the dappled shade of the porch, and watch the sunlight play off the leaves of the Hostas...

I admire the Fuchsia foliage and Lobelia blossoms...

I attempt to count all the shades of Green...
And find that I'm enamored of Burgundy too...

And that's how the morning turns into afternoon, the afternoon becomes evening, and evening slowly evolves into night...


  1. It's funny how we all seem to lose the desire to stitch at different times. I took up my stitching last night for the first time in ages. There's a time for everything and when you feel like relaxing then it's the right thing to do.

  2. lovely photos! Enjoy your relaxing!

  3. Such a lovely varity of plants and all looking so healthy. It is nice sometimes to just sit and admire our gardens, I do it often and try not to feel guilty.

    Thank you for sharing.
    Hazel C (UK)

  4. may be you just wanted to sit back and admire all the hard work you have done on your garden and plants and pots etc ;) enjoy it and don't feel guilty ): love mouse xxx


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.