Monday, May 16, 2011

Weekend Report

I worked some more on "Cluck Cluck's" colorful vibrant border. The colors and patterns keep changing - mixing it up - and it thus continues to be a fun stitch.

I'm a bit behind reporting on my activities.
My sister and I took in the Lane County Farmers' Market on Saturday.  The day was gray and cold, but based on how Spring has gone in Oregon, it was as though everyone had decided that any day without rain, was a day meant for outdoor activities.  The Market was bustling!

Lots of wonderful produce, plants, and food.  My sister and I were seduced by the delights available at Caramel's French Patisserie.  I was pleased to see that my "Piano Girl" was back again - this time she was channelling Elton John with a cover of "Tiny Dancer"!

In the Outdoor World, the birds are busy, busy, busy.

I was saddened to find this egg on the ground Sunday morning.  There were no sizable trees or shrubs nearby, so I'm not certain how it came to be exposed on the ground.

On a brighter note...

Mr. Downy Woodpecker continues to be a "Regular" at the All You Can Eat Suet Bar.  

I tidied up the front flowerbed and removed most of the last year's mullein stocks.  I ended up leaving about six or so as the woodpeckers use them while waiting their turn at the Suet Feeder. 


  1. that looks like a fun stitch, lovely and bright

  2. Nice progress on your stitching! I love the bird pics. The market looks like fun! I would SO love to go to Oregon some day.


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