Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's An Amethyst, Blue-Violet, Lavender, Lilac, Mauve, Periwinkle, Violet Day

I worked on "Shabby Chick" last night.  I got the branch finished, and made a good start on the "Chick".  As this is an older chart, there is quite a bit of back stitching to do as well.

I'm going to subject you to entertain you with further Iris tenax photos...
If you stay with the program there is a surprise at the end!

Amazing profusion and array of shades...

Mother Nature is a Master Gardener!
Here's the surprise...
Look closely...

A small clump of pure white iris amongst all the lavender!


  1. Love those irises - that is such a gorgeous shade of purply blue. And the white one tucked in with the others is such a lovely accent. Happy stitching-

  2. I wonder how that white on got there ... nice stitching too :) love mouse xxxx

  3. Beautiful iries! Wonder if the white one will multiply next year?


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