Friday, May 27, 2011

An Extravagance of Larkspur

Here's the latest on "Cluck Cluck".

About a mile west of our house my Mother spied...

(The big fat leaves belong to Mules' Ears - they'll bloom in mid-June.)

Along a rundown fence in an open west-facing meadow, she found a large patch of Larkspur.

They resemble mini-delphiniums.

These are a strong royal purple with a much lighter eye.

Wildflowers are an unexpected delight! 


  1. ooo lovely :) and oo I can see the chicken :) love mouse xxx

  2. Thank you so much for all the wildflower photos - they have really made my day. I miss the woods of northern PA where I grew up. Now living outside of Houston it is a severe drought and nothing but brown everywhere.

    Enjoy the rain - you will miss it when it is gone.

  3. Yea...more stitchy progress! Love the larkspur pictures, sucha pretty flower!


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