Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday, Friday, Friday is My Favorite Day!

Next up - "Shabby Chick" by Meme's Quilts.  The little yellow bird reminds me a bit of the Gold Finches who are so omnipresent this time of year.

Thursday was lovely, lovely, lovely.  Sunny and 72F. 

I finally removed the remaining plants from my lean-to Greenhouse.  All are Fuchsias and they over-wintered well enough, but now are infested in white fly and aphids.  I bought an organic insect spray and we will see how they are in 48 hours.

I potted up three more Hostas - the new pots were on sale - 50% off!

Then Thursday morning I potted up some Agastaches, and Salvias, and a Fuchsia.

Early on I'm really pleased with this shade display of Begonias and Fuchsias.

And I think this will be a fun little display - Mosses and Baby's Tears and Hebes - all about form, color, and texture.  

Parvati acted as my Gardening Helper Thursday morning.  She too enjoyed the sunny day - and looked quite attractive amongst the Iris.

I think that she was hoping for a closer look at Chip!

I am off to work on my Sedum display.  Today (Friday) is supposed to be yet another lovely day - two in a row - such bounty!


  1. ooo glad you have had a lovely day in the garden potting up :) I managed to get my hay basket done and potted up the hostas and the fushia as well as a wee bit if stitching today too :) you displays are a wee bit more colourful than mine :) love mouse xxxx

  2. You have been really busy with your potting...I have been gardening all morning myself! Glad the weather is good for you. I love that new project ...the little bird is cute!

  3. What a cute design. I'm sure you'll have fun bringing that chick to life!


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