Saturday, May 21, 2011

Blank Slates

It's a New Day...a New Start!
Today I am inspired by the potential of things yet to be...

For example:
My R & R 28 count 18th Century Brown linen. 
I've yet to stitch a stitch...the linen hums with possibilities.

On the Gardening Front, I am awash with creative urges...

I've moved my Sedum Theatre to a new location, and now I can stage it as I see fit...I've three flats of Sedums, Thyme, and the like to play with and fuss over.

And I've reinstalled my "Red Neck Beer Display".  As it is west-facing it too will probably be home to succulents and the like.

I've also found a new home for this plant stand.  It is in a shaded area so I may use to to prolong the lives of some primroses and pansies and the such.

Some people (artists and artisans) have the ability "To See What Might Be".  I've posted about our local Yarn Bombers (The Knotty Knitters) before as they are a great example.  Today, I wanted to share a link about two women from Seattle, Washington, and the absolutely amazing yarn installations with which they've adorned Seattle.  They are called 2fiberfriends and the link is here.  Take a moment to read the short article, and look at the photos, and...
Be in Awe!

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