Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sheep in the Meadow...Birds in the Trees

I didn't get all that much done on Lizzie Kate's Flora McSample Sampler.  As it turned out we had a steady supply of customers at the Estate Sale this past weekend.  On Sunday we had a 50% off sale for everything priced more than 25cents.  I was blown away that one woman came back later in the day convinced that I had over-charged her oh 25cents or 50cent (her total was $3.75)...Rather than battle it, we just took the box, yes the box, of items back and refunded her money.  I take solace in the fact that she spent more on gasoline for her car than she "saved".  Some people are beyond understanding! 

Parvati says, "It's Outdoor Wednesday! Let's go Outside!"  
Since Parvati is in charge, this is a "Birdy" post...

First off we spied several Band-tailed Pigeons in a Maple tree.
This Acer macrophyllum is commonly called the Big-Leaf Maple.  And once again there is synergy between plant and bird.  The Maple produces these greenish-yellow flowers and bright new buds.  We are expecting the return of our Evening Grosbeaks any day now, as they eat the Maple Tree buds and fruit.   

The House Finches have returned in force to the feeders.

And yesterday, for the first time this spring, a flock of banana-yellow American Goldfinches fed at the feeders. This group of birds are all guys! They molt in the fall and lose their bright yellow color (only used for courting).  I see them most of the winter, as they are year-around residents.  But how they suddenly accomplished this amazing and quick...instant?...color change without me of the many mysteries of Nature! 

And we leave you today with a photo of a Scrub Jay.  They are out-numbered 15-1 by the Steller's Jay...but they are every bit as feisty, and can hold their own.  They are a much lighter sky-blue color with a white breast.   


  1. Hi!
    Beautiful birds! They all look so happy. Have a great day!

    Food for Thought

  2. Love the pretty bird snaps...but that Parvati is the cutest little fellow on the planet! What an adorable expression. :)

    Looking forward to your Lizzie Kate progress. I love her designs.

  3. Such pretty birds! I have never seen a Scrub Jay. He is so pretty.

    Glad your estate sale went well. As to the lady who returned, you just never can understand some people. LOL It was nice of you to take the box of things back. Hopefully you were able to re-sell them!

  4. You are too funny about the lady with buyers I love your cats post too.

  5. I'll never understand some people, Beth! We got people in the library this month who didn't want to spend the 15 cents a page that it costs to print a tax form and said they would go somewhere else and get it free! The gas money alone was probably six times what they would have paid us!!

    Parvati is lovely--I'm sure she adores all your birds!

  6. Beautiful pictures of the birds.

  7. Beautiful photos of your yardbirds.
    Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Easter.


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