Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Nature Walk Continued

"Bouquet for March" continues apace!  Alphabet is done and I've begun to stitch the numbers and stems...   

I thought I'd share more photos from my Tuesday walk...
This time the theme is Wildflowers...

A Lamb's Tongue or Trout Lily in bloom - Erythronium oregonum.
I especially like the graceful bell curve the stem makes to the top of the blossom. 

A couple of Trillium parviflorum - so pretty - it takes from 5-7 years for a Trillium to reach maturity and bloom.

Deep in the shade I discovered a patch of yellow violets (is that an oxymoron?)  Commonly called Stream Violet or Pioneer Violet, Viola Glabella is common in Oregon.  It grows on streambanks, moist forests, from near coast to high elevations. Our patch is in a heavily shaded, very wet site.

This is the Blue Oregon Iris - Iris tenax.  It likes open grassy fields and meadow, and has just begun to bloom.  It forms circular clumps, and if the weather stays mild will bloom into the end of May. 

The Pacific Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum grande) - are finishing up now.   

But the Oregon Grape - Mahonia aquifolium - continues on.  The clusters of blossoms are quite attractive against the shiny holly-like leaves of the plant.

This is a large clump of Trillium albidum.  I love the big mottled leaves.  A clump this size is probably 7-10 years old.


  1. You have the best posts. Love your stitchy choices, and your eye for nature always shows us God's beauty. Thanks for taking time to see and share.

  2. Thanks for the botanical tour of nature! I am learning so much!

  3. Such lovely photos. I love the Iris! What a beautiful color.

    Your stitching is so pretty. Can't wait to see your finish. :)

  4. I really enjoy seeing around your garden - the variety of flowers and nature is lovely.

  5. lovely progress on your piece and thanks for the lovely tour and I am learning a lot from you on the plants side of things .. whether I can recall it when I need to is another matter love mouse xxx

  6. Your piece is coming along beautifully. I can't wait to see it finished.

    The flowers are so interesting. I never knew there was such a thing as a yellow violet. I have always loved the Trilium, and the Lamb's tongue. I have never seen the Oregon grape or the Hound's tongue. They are each so different.

  7. your stitching is going great. and your pjotos make me long for the great outdoors. Im not a city girl and having to live in 1 is not fun

  8. Very interesting to see the flora of your region!


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