Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sick of Being Sick

Little to no stitching progress...because, once again, I am battling a cold.  I think I have had a cold of some sort since the beginning of January.  Is anyone else out there sick of being sick?  I sure am!

As Spring marches on these frilly daffodils are now in bloom...

...and some Grape Hyacinths have managed to spread and naturalize...

My Medical Consulant says if you are sick, get plenty of rest!


  1. Take heart, you'll hopefully feel better soon and most importantly take advice from your wise friend!

  2. I hope you start feeling better soon. My son came down with something two days after New Years. We would think it was cleared up and it would start again. After three sessions of antibiotics, we thought we were home free. Not the case - it sounds like he's coming down with it again.

    Get plenty of rest!!!

  3. Oh Beth, isn't it the pits when a cold lingers like that? Hope you're able to shake it sooner than later, rest well...

  4. Sorry your still not feeling better Beth, take care of yourself.

  5. Whatever this cold thing is, it sure does stick around. I was just talking to my DS#1, and he was saying the exact same thing. It is a real bummer. Hope you feel better soon.


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