Monday, March 28, 2011

Feeling Better...a Bit

Thanks for all the kind comments re my "Ill-wellness".  It sounds as though I am not the only one who has been battling something on-and-off for most of the Winter.  Misery, after all, does love company.  As I now own stock in Vicks, and Bayer, and various other Pharmaceutical companies, I am hopeful that I can "get over it"...soon!

 The mail on Saturday brought a nice "pick me up".

I've seen this Blackbird Design piece on several blogs and thought it lovely.   Nicole offered it on her sale page and I was able to purchase it for a more than reasonable price.

One of our "Mystery Wildflowers" has reappeared for a new year.  It is an interesting plant with the backside of the leaves gray and fuzzy.  Later on it will have small blue forget-me-not type flowers.     

An Anna Hummingbird...I'm wondering...when will the Rufous Hummingbirds  return? 


  1. Beautiful hummingbird...they are absolutely my favourite!

  2. Glad you're feeling a bit better and thanks for the cross stitch sites you sent me...they're great! That is an unusual flower...I would like to see it blooming! I love humming birds too, but I can never get a good picture...that one is great!

  3. I hope that you feel better soon. This time of year seems awful for catching things! You definitely did receive a great pick me up. And I love your hummingbird picture. I've only seen twice in my whole life.

  4. Hi Beth, I've just found your beautiful blog - your wildlife pics are amazing - as is your stitching. I can't believe how many sweet critters you find nearby - they're all lovely!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.