Sunday, March 6, 2011

Return of 'Knit Happens'

Last August, the Eugene Knotty Knitters had a "Yarn Bomb" along 8th Street. 

This piece is thus a bit bedraggled from being out in the elements all those months.

But it is still standing!

I just discovered that in mid-February the Knotty Knitters had another Yarn Bomb. 

"All Knit is Love" was the title of project placed on the fence of a downtown construction site. 
Very Cool! 
If you are interested you can follow the Knotty Knitters on Facebook.  

And now outdoors...
I am so pleased with this series of California Quail photos.
They are hard to photograph singly as they move continually - hunting and pecking much like a chicken - so most all of my close-up turn into a blur. 

The males are such pretty birds.

Left side and right side - no bad side!

Handsome straight on too!


  1. Those Knotty Knitters are very cool! Love the bird pics...beautiful creatures!!

  2. What bonnie little birds, their markings are just lovely.

  3. Stunning pictures . I dread to think how many sunflower seeds you get through .


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