Saturday, March 5, 2011

Letters, We've Got Letters

I've just realized what with stitching "Alphabet Sampler", "Bright Winter", and "Twin Hearts" that I've turned into quite the Abecedarian - Alphabets in all of them.  Last night I stitched on "Twin Hearts" a bit while watching "Who Do You Think You Are".  As a longtime (30 years) amateur genealogist I have problems with how easy WDYTYA makes "going back" look at times, on the other hand I do enjoy the personal stories they unearth.

Now let's go outside!

Steller's Jays squabble so much, it is unusual to see two this close together...  

However, when food is the draw, sometimes there are unlikely companions at the dinner table!

Steller's Jay greeting the morning...

I've still not figured out this guy - he's not a Grey Wagtail as that is a European bird...


  1. Oh dear I thought I had found him for you although from the photo I found they look very alike ... Nice stitching again too :) love mouse xxxx

  2. Lovely bird pics! Your stitching looks great as well. :)

  3. Your wip is so pretty and love the birdy pictures!


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