Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Hyacinth Heart and The Yellow Bird

I feeling like I've been stitching, and stitching, and stitching...and not completing anything!  And still I stitch and stitch and stitch.  I think it is because I have four items going at the same time - that's a couple more than normal - so I'm overwhelmed - I'm fraught with indecision - what to work on?  And honestly, I'm bored I want to stitch something new

So I pulled out "Be Mine" last evening - I figure I can finish this off by the end of the week, and maybe I'll be happier for it. 
As for the outdoor's Outdoor Wednesday...and...
We have a positive identification!!! 
I got up my courage and emailed a photo of this guy to our local Audubon Society.

May I introduce to you to Mr. Yellow-Rumped Warbler!

Here's the photo to prove he does indeed have a yellow rump!

Someone wondered about the amount of bird food consumed...
late fall to early spring we use about 40 pounds of black oil sunflower seeds a week.  Spring through summer it ups to closer to 60 pounds a week with all the Goldfinches, Band-tailed Pigeons, and Grosbeaks...but hey, I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't play the lottery...I feed birds!


  1. Good for you - feeding the birds. I do too and it gives me great pleasure. Glad you identified the little fellow.
    I know what you mean about choosing what to stitch. I think all stitchers do the same from time to time. I commented on it recently and think it is a symptom of us being spoiled for choice.

  2. oooo nice to meet you Mr warbler ... and I think most of us at sometime get that startitis bug from time to time .... that's why on my yahoo group we have a UFO day where you stitch on one of the ufo's in your stash so that eventually it gets done ... that and I threaten them with the wet noodle hahahaha (long story ) love mouse xxxxx

  3. I love the warbler! Well done!!! I know what you mean about wanting something new and interesting to stitch. My advice is take your time and look around and wait for that piece that "calls out to you"...that will be the one you will be pumped about starting AND finishing! :)


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