Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Color in Threads and Food

Aren't my new fibers pretty? 
From left to right:  A couple of Cottage Colors, then several Thread-gatherer Silk 'n Colors, and finally a couple of Gloriana Silks.  
I so get off on color - I think I could find my Nirvana by just staring at that photograph for hours upon end...

As for the outdoor world...Jami at An Oregon Cottage suggested posting a seasonal recipe.  I don't have a recipe per say, but the last photograph surely will provide inspiration! 

Our local Farmers' Market started up in a small way this past Saturday.

There were about a dozen stands with leeks, and kale, arugula, and mizuna...

...and lettuce, tatsoi, spinach, and radishes.

A couple of bakeries, and Field to Table my favorite seasonal organic restaurant. 

I had the most scrumptious Pork Belly & Egg Sandwich with mozzarella, and sweet & spicy relish. All the products are local - the pork, egg, cheese, the bun and the relish - so I think this is a most seasonal recipe! It was also the messiest thing going, but oh, so good!
It's good to have the market back again for another season.


  1. Wow farmer's market already? Lucky you!

  2. Love the threads - the colors are gorgeous. That sanwich looks delicious although I'll bet my cardiologist would have a fit about it! Yummmmm!

  3. The colors of the embroidery floss are so beautiful in the photograph. And you have a farmers' market starting, and look at that gorgeous sandwich--you are livin' the lush life!

  4. I'm a little jealous - we are still months away from a Farmer's Market! That sandwich looks wonderful!

  5. OK, that sandwich is seriously to die for- yum!

    Thanks for sharing!
    An Oregon Cottage


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