Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Snowman and Snowbirds

I'm almost done with Val's "More Snow", so I've kitted up Bent Creek's "January Snows". My snowman stitching continues apace!  I even worked abit on BOAF's "Alphabet Sampler".  I must confess I've yet to start Knotted Tree's
"Winter Walk"...gotta get on that soon!

Yesterday lots of critters were out and about to greet me on a cold, frosty morning. 

This bunny demanded to be fed!

These two finches posed on a blackberry cane.
I think they would make a charming photograph for a Christmas card.

There are rewards for a having "messy", brushy area.  The small birds like the this junco use the blackberry canes as shelter and a perch. 
You can see other interpretations of Outdoor Wednesday at a Southern Daydreamer.  


  1. Maybe they loved to be stitched? :p

    I like the choice for the new project. Are you going to stitch all 12 of them?

  2. Great photos. Looks like a fun project you're starting.

  3. Beautiful new project. And as always I LOVE your pictures. Especially the finches

  4. It amazes me that these little creatures survive in the cold.

  5. Beautiful phootos. I always look forward to vistitng your blog. It' is like taking a nature walk.

  6. Great photos and your project is perfect...very cute!

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