Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Is It Too Early to Begin Thinking About Spring?

Here's my stitching progress on "More Snow". 

While thematically I'm staying in winter with my stitching, as far as gardening is concerned, my thoughts have already turned to spring!

This week's theme for the Tuesday Garden Party is "Garden Catalogues and 'Must Have' Plants."

B & D Lilies is one of my favorite catalogues.  Since moving in the fall of 2006, I've not bought many lilies.  No deer fence - no lilies!  It's that simple.  The deer and I both adore Oriental lilies, but only the deer eat them!  I have hopes of someday being able to once again surround myself with the color and scent of these wonderful plants.

For the time being, I received much enjoyment in adding to my hosta collection.  In recent years hybridizers have greatly expanded the selection and hardiness of small and miniature hostas.  They are great for me as I can use them in pots.  (Yet another plant the deer find most tasty!)

I've had great success with plants from Sebright Gardens  and they have a down-loadable catalogue.


  1. I guess it's never too early to think about spring when gardening is part of who you are.

    You can already see the leaf buds on the trees here and watching them develop is always enjoyable and a great promise that Spring will arrive.

  2. I think I need to find some Hostas!


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