Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I'm Hearing Some Grumblings...

I'm hearing reading that some of you from the NE and other excessive-snow areas are tired, tired, tired of snow and all snow-related items - including snowmen. Ouch! 
So I've resolved, in the spirit of cooperation, to stop mentioning that it is another lovely blue-sky day here, and the high is expected to be 57F.
I've also resolved that this Amy Bruecken "Tada Snowman" will be my last new snowman stitch for a while, and I will switch over to Valentine / Heartish type items for the next few weeks.

Jami over at An Oregon Cottage has asked for Garden Planning ideas as this week's theme.

If you've read my blog for a while, you know that I am passionate about small hostas.  And now I've found a book to feed my passion.  I expect to get lots of great ideas, and a big old "Want List" after reading this book. 
For many reasons (deer, and deer, and more deer) I am still limited to gardening on the front porch and the back patio.  With limited space, words like small, tiny, and miniature are all melodious to my ears.


  1. Oh I love hostas too - I have several varieties in my garden of the gigantic variety - I didn't know about mini versions. I need to get a copy of this book too! Thanks for enabling - again - LOL!

  2. I am adding hostas to my little book of things to remember! Yes I actually carry one around. It has been beautiful here in Northern California too.

  3. I think finishing stitching snowmen is very kind of you, and your last one looks too cute!! We have deer and hostas (the big kind) growing in harmony at our house! Guess the KY deer have a different diet.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.