Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Growing and Changing

Progress continues on "Winter Walk".  I finished up the scarf and now have about 20 more rows to stitch...and I'll be done.  I might be able to finish this up by the end of the month after all.  I must say, that as January winds down, having a stitching "To Do" list has helped me to focus and stay on task.   

Our mild weather continues a pace - the downside with lovely weather this time of year, is that it goes hand-in-hand with an "Air Stagnation Warning".  

Here's what I have to share this Outdoor Wednesday.  

The first buds have appeared on the earliest daffodils.

The clumps of wild iris are beginning to make themselves known.
They will bloom throughout the month of May.

Even on bucolic days, there are predators lurking about...
Hawks like that are why the juncos appreciate a blackberry thicket...Vigilance everyone!

More daffodils popping up by a Daphne. 
January has been so mild, it will be interesting to see what February brings.


  1. Great pics! I am always so glad to see the daffodils starting to pop up. I can see them here, too.

    Lovely work on your WIP!

  2. Nothing popin' up here in southeast Georgia, but I am so excited that it will be spring before long.Love your blog and photo's,I am new follower, I visiting from OUTDOOR WEDNESDAY.

  3. It's good to see photos of flowers coming up. Hope the weather doesn't change.

  4. Winter Walk is looking great! i know you mean about a to do list. I have been much more focused since I made some goals for myself.

    As ususal, some fantastic pics of wildlife and your budding plants. It will be a couple of months before we see anything like that!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.