Thursday, November 11, 2010

Stitching and Gardening - Updates to Both

Design - "Crow & Berries"
Chart - "Sunflower Harvest"
Designer - Need'l Love Company
Fabric - 28 count Natural Pearl Zweigart linen
Fibers -DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 3 November 2010
Completed - 10 November 2010  

Even though the chart was titled "Sunflower Harvest" i.e. summertime, with the red berries and the green garland, I think this stitch ended up looking vaguely Christmassy.

But I am not just stitching - I do continue to "winterize" my container plants.
I will show you my latest efforts with the caveat:
"Don't do this at home!"

I bought two plant ranks and I love them, love them, love them. 
But the photo above is probably a disaster waiting to happen.
The top shelf is not, I repeat not, assembled as instructed. It is supposed to be on the bottom of the stand.  

I got space-greedy and decided to remove the bottom shelf and install it on top.  I've undoubtedly created a top-heavy monster that will fall over - though I certainly hope otherwise!  Maybe I will luck out as it is filled with small pots (4" and smaller)...  

Here's a detail of one of the sedum/sempervivum shelves (with some thyme thrown in).

...and yet another grouping. 

I've got the stand in a nook by the mudroom door, well under the eves.
It is west-facing so gets whatever winter sun we might have - I can easily water everything, and should it get below freezing, there is a form-fitting poly covering that I can quickly install and zip up. 

This is the 2nd stand - with the shelving properly installed.
Again under the eves in a nook - easy access to the dianthus and agaves.  
It will be interesting to see how well (or not) the plants over-winter in their new digs.  

Thanks for all the wonderful comments on my Wednesday "Critter Photos"! 


  1. I did indeed think it was a Christmas design, but whichever it is, it's lovely. as always.
    I, too, am very curious if your plants will do well in their new nook!

  2. Such a sweet bird, I love that it looks Christmasy and not Autumny. Smiles....


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.