Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Owls and Other Outdoor Critters

Design - "Owl"
Chart - "Sweeping Cobwebs" # 165
Designer - The Prairie Schooler 
Fabric - 32 count Lambswool linen
Fibers - DMC - one strand over two threads
Started- 8 November 2010
Completed - 9 November 2010  

I decided the called-for orange DMC color used for the eyes and beak did not work for me, so I used WDW "Tiger's Eye" instead.

In mid-November, we still have several fawns around the property.

This is by far the smallest (and youngest?) of our White Tail Deer population. 

Pretty adorable...

...and you can see that Mama is teaching the young one how to eat out of our bird feeders.

The California Quail are still ever present.  They come to the bird feeders and scratch the ground below much like chickens, though they also can fly up to the feeders when they chose to do so.

John James Audubon (aka Tom-Cat) and Davida Sibley (aka Parvati Patel)
counted the quail on a sunny afternoon.

It is November 10th and I still have nasturtiums blooming!
Is that crazy, or what?

Besides the does and fawns, we have several bucks who visit.  The largest I refer to as "The King of the Forest" (aka Bambi's Father).  I'll try to get a picture of him to post though he is camera-shy. 

Today is a cold, grey day - a far better indoor day than outdoor.


  1. Love your wildlife and your aka "Tom Cat" looks just like our kitty, Napoleon (my son name him after the movie "Napoleon
    Dynamite"'s main character because of the color of hair/fur ;-D)

  2. Happy Outdoor Wednesday! How wonderful to have such an abundance of wildlife in and around your yard! Thanks for sharing with us.

  3. Wonderful pictures! We occasionally see the deer that pass through our yard - in the city -in the country :)
    Loving Indian Summer !

  4. Those are lovely photos, there is quite the deer population any more. I have heard so many people talk about them and I have seen them right inside the city limits of several towns in my Province. I need to go back to see where you live. I'm glad you enjoy the wild life and don't complain about what they leave behind.
    Hugs, Cindy

  5. Wow, how neat it must be to see deer right in your yard. It's funny that they have learned to eat out of the bird feeders!

  6. Great photos...I have lots of things that try and eat out of the birdfeeders too! But no deer here...we have had foxes in our yard though...I keep trying to photo them, but they won't stand still!

  7. Those were gorgeous photo's. Happy Outdoor Wednesday.


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