Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sleepy Sunday Morning

Last night we switched over from Daylight Savings Time, back to Standard Time.  When I say "we", who do I mean?  Not me, and not the cats!  I got up around 5:30am as did all of my feline companions - it'll take us about a week to adjust to the hour's time difference.  

I did make a little progress on "Crow and Berries".  Someone asked for more details - the chart is "Sunflower Harvest #38" and the designer The Need'l Love Company.  It's an older chart and readily available on resale websites.

With the change to Standard Time and the change of seasons, daylight hours, and sunshine in particular become precious.  This morning is a grey, rainy one, but I thought I'd share a couple of photos of Padma from earlier last week.

He is an expert at chasing "Sun-Tangles"...

He must know how important Vitamin D is! 

And haven't studies shown that a catnap is also a healthy practice?
We hope you find a Sun-Tangle or two today!


  1. Thanks for sharing who the designer was on the sunflowers chart, I haven't seen/heard of them before. And your cute kitty made me want to go find a patch of sunlight to nap in, he looks so content.

  2. Nice progress! Padma is adorable. :) I love hunkering down for the autumn/winter, but hate the dark nights that we get over here. We changed our clocks back on the 31st. Good luck adjusting!

  3. Hi, I just found your blog through Blotanical. Welcome! I think you'll enjoy the gardening community you meet there - lots of nice people! My daughter is considering Lewis and Clark - did you enjoy going to school there?


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.