Sunday, November 28, 2010

Saturday Shopping

I am not one of those people who gets up at 3am to begin shopping on Black Friday.  I tried it once several years ago - the store was already out of the item I wanted by the time I arrived - I returned home sleepy and with a headache - I then slept most of the day away - a wasted day in my opinion.
But my sister and I did go out on Saturday.  I was so please to find a chicken pincushion, chicken tape measure, and small wicker chicken basket!

The Farmers' Market has moved indoors for the remainder of the year.

The booths were appropriately festive with lights and garland.

There were lovely paper-whites for sale...

and French Pastries...

and fun music from the "Blair Street Mugwumps".
They describe themselves as "a good down-home bluegrass band".
Here's a link to them playing "Jellyroll". 

1 comment:

  1. OH Beth - you are killing me here -- polka dot chickens!!! I am entertaining some very un-Christian feelings here - like envy and coveting! LOL! Are these beauties something you found at a craft market? Love love love them -


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