Monday, November 29, 2010

A Frosty Morning And A Frosty Snowman

My stitching progress continues with "Let it Snow".
This morning though it would be better titled "Frosty the Snowman".

We had alot of rain yesterday, then sometime in the night the skies cleared and the temperatures dipped.  This morning everything (including the roads) is coated with frosty glitter. 

While it is lovely to look at, I'm sure it will make for an interesting morning commute - drive safe!   


  1. This one is going to be so cute!

  2. What a cute little snowman - did I tell you that besides chickens I LOVE snowmen! Thanks for the info on the chickens - I've never heard of Williraye before but I love what I saw -

  3. That snowman is adorable! Love the snowy photos, too. :)


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