Thursday, October 14, 2010

As the Week Nears an End

I'm making some progress on "Crows...A Fine Day".
For some reason, there have not been as many hours in the day dedicated to stitching as I might like.  That's the way life goes sometimes I guess.

I must confess to spending more time outside.  We've had a couple of lovely days, and in October that's something special. 

June 29, 2010

I think time and again how lucky we are to have access to cheap digital photography.  It truly allows one to record the minutiae of daily life.  The other evening I was scrolling through digitals and stumbled across the above shot of what passes for one of our small flowerbeds.  It is a southwest facing bed so gets a fair amount of sun throughout the day.  Right now it serves as a "holding pen" for plants awaiting their final siting.

October 12, 2010

It is amazing how much growth there has been this summer.  The hydrangea and echinacea are caged to protect them from deer. 
I've been trialing several kinds of salvia this year. I'd like to have 10-12 different varieties of plants that can grow without worrying about deer-damage. Most of the tags on the salvia have noted some form of deer-resistance, and I must concur that our herd (3-9 at a time) has left the salvia well enough alone. 

October 12, 2010
   This bed still needs much work - everything in it should be dug up, the bed amended with 6"-8" more of good dressed soil, then the plants re-sited in a more caring, thoughtful fashion. 
This year it has been a place of function without form - perhaps in 2011 that can change.


  1. Our salvia not only is not bothered by deer, it is not bothered by much of anything. We tried to get rid of it from one garden, and we even rototilled it, but it was back the next summer.

    Good luck with yours.

  2. Love your green thumbs, lady!

    Your sister's dahlia patch (including the garden gate!) made my heart skip several beats. Wow.

  3. Wow, talk about a green thumb! Everything looks great. Enjoy the good weather while it lasts!


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